What Happened:
There have been a couple of serious traffic accidents in
other companies where the wearing of identity lanyards
around the drivers’ necks has exacerbated the severity of
the injuries sustained.
The driver was involved in a minor car accident and was
wearing their company lanyard and pass. The car airbag
was deployed on impact and the force of the airbag caused
the lanyard and pass to be pushed into the driver’s chest,
causing a lung to collapse and requiring hospital treatment.
Had the person not been wearing their lanyard and pass at
the time, they would have most likely walked away
relatively unscathed.
In another accident, an NHS worker stored a lot of keys
on her lanyard for medicine cabinets, lockers etc. She got
into her car and was driving home, but did not remove her
lanyard. Unfortunately she also had a crash that triggered
the airbag.
The force of the airbag caused the keys to perforate her
bowel with potentially life changing consequences. She
was in hospital for over 6 weeks and has been off work for
over 6 months.
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